- Derek M. Smith
Chairman /Founder
S.E.S.L. Limited
- Derek M. Smith
Chairman /Founder
S.E.S.L. Limited
- Derek M. Smith
Chairman /Founder
S.E.S.L. Limited

All staff training programs provided at S.E.S.L Ltd is viewed as highly valuable and beneficial to all stakeholders involved in the company's day-to-day operations and goals. Our training programs are designed to ensure that the owners, employees, and clients all benefit equally. For our team to remain relevant and competitive in their lines of duty, we have recognised that it is imperative that they are provided with ongoing training throughout their working tenure. As every organization has its own unique way of operating, it is not necessarily easy to find the right experts through a simple recruitment exercise. An organization's success depends on the development of a professional environment and therefore, our training program facilitates this development.

Security Induction
Our Security Induction Training is conducted to welcome new recruits to the company and prepare them for the new role. It ensures recruits are fully informed about the organization and aware of their work and responsibilities. The Induction Training is done over the period of ten (10) days and covers various training such as SESL Orientation, HSSE Orientation, Physical & Baton Training, Customer Service, Access Control, Patrol Principles, Report Writing, Effective Communication, Flag Etiquette, Code of Ethics.
S.E.S.L provides individuals with the know-how to take tasks head-on, as well as ensure that employees are well-equipped to perform their roles effectively and achieve a greater understanding of workplace standards, processes, procedures, and goals.
Our high-quality courses can be used for training, cross-training, and refresher training needs, as we pride ourselves on adapting to meet any business requirements.
We offer:
First Aid
Fire Watch
Incident/ Accident Investigation
Substance Abuse
Risk Assessment
Effective Supervisory / Leadership Skills
Defensive Driving
Our team of qualified trainers, provides an opportunity for a comprehensive and effective learning experience, using tailored experiences and multiple methods of delivery; PowerPoint, Quizzes, and Scenario-Based examples.
SESL Ltd strives to keep our training programs interactive and engaging, creating a stronger workforce with an expanse of knowledge to foster innovation and improve productivity in the workplace

FireArm & Precept
Being an S.E.S.L. Safety Security Professional requires ample training, and we certainly offer them all. Our Firearm Training Team comprises of numerous Internationally trained persons that have been approved by the Commissioner of Police. We are corporate affiliates of STRA Claxton Bay Shooting Range and offer beginner, intermediate and advanced training to FUL/FUEC Holders, using dry fire and live fire activities. These are a few of our certified courses:
Firearm Competency – Pistol, Shotgun, Pistol Carbine
Use of Force
Fight in Motion
Counter Ambush
Our Supplemental Police (Precepted Officers) undergo rigorous training from our internal training department, as well as our certified training partners. All supplemental police are exposed to the following mandatory & optional training:
Supplemental Police Act 15:02
Advanced Statement/Report Writing
Use of Force
Powers of Arrest & Application
Firearm Competency (FUEC Holders)
Security Supervisor
First Aid & AED
Fire Watch
PLEA (if attached to industrial clients)
Leadership (Estate Inspector & Higher)
Advanced Computer Literacy
Leadership Managers Workshop
Over the years, we have partnered with qualified professionals to develop training programmes for both our junior and senior staff.
These training programmes are fully sponsored by SESL Limited and facilitated by;
Training & Development Manager – Ms. Ann Mark
Business Transformation & Culture Expert - Mr. Wayne Oudit
IR Specialist - Ms Akida Mohammed
Caribbeans #1 Master Sales Trainer - Mr. Adrian Havelock
Prestige Management Solutions